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Solar Energy in Puerto Rico

Sistema Bi-modal 3kW-
Toa Alta, PR
In Puerto Rico, the highest electrical consumption of electricity occurs during the summer months, the same time when our abundant sun is sending us a huge amount of energy. For that reason, it makes perfect sense to feed our electrical needs with solar energy. And with the local financing oportunities available today, acquiring a system to collect and use the sun's energy has become a reasonable economical investment.
Your facility can remain permanently connected to the electric utility, so that you can use energy from the grid when needed (night, rainy days) and also sell energy to the utility at any moment, when your production is more than your usage. If you want, you could disconnect completely from the electrical utility, declaring your energetic independence!
Enjoy the satisfaction of producing your own electricity, saving in energy costs and showing your commitment with mother nature. With more than 300 days of full sun per year, declining prices on solar system components and attractive solar incentives, we are in the right place, at the right time!